What people are saying about Sarah’s methods:
Being a Feldenkrais-Practitioner and Flutist myself, I appreciate Sarah Templeton’s concept of teaching very much!
And I love how she leads in her certain way to become specific!
It’s a specifity which concentrates in a quick and very calm way, usually added by some humour!
Getting calm, grounded and uneffortly concentrated in a very few minutes is Sarah’s thoughtful present of these short lessons!
To me this makes them very practical for every-day-life:
You can remember them easily and repeat them as short pauses during the day (or night)!
Thank you Sarah!
— Beate A.
Sarah’s lessons help guide me to a place where my skeleton, my nervous system, and my mental state feel supported. I personally love doing an exercise and then practicing visualizing it the next time, which Sarah often suggests. This is an incredible skill to practice for me personally because sometimes physically doing less and inviting my imagination to participate is where the learning and progress really happens! (A tool for long rehearsals, learning your music on days off, memorizing foreign languages, etc.)
I also feel more confident in my body and posture, making it easier to get into character more effectively than ever before. And my relationship with my voice has fundamentally improved and remained steady; I can trust it more. This course will make you excited to explore your instrument!
— Alexa J.
I don't know how to describe the feeling and the effects of this mind blowing method. Full awareness towards your body and an appreciation arising from realizing your body's capabilities. Pure Blessing!
As a singer, I really have no idea how but now I feel like I sound better. I make sound with more ease. I respect and appreciate myself more after trying Feldenkrais. I've realized how little I was giving credit to myself, to my potential.
At the beginning of the course, I was like "What is this? This is so simple, How can it "benefit" me with singing?" Well, as I said before, I have no clue :) It simply has its own magic. I highly recommend each and everyone out there to give this a try.
All the best.
— Funda A.
Sarah's lessons brought me back into my body and out of my head. The exercises helped me come back to the present moment and relax when nothing else was working. I even found myself laughing with delight a few minutes into the first exercise. Thank you Sarah for helping me feel calm and grounded!
— Lillian Z.
“The way Sarah ties in many different aspects of singing, acting, body movement is quite amazing. Sarah teaches lasting practical strategies for practicing and performing in a way that's fun and immersive… These lessons reminded me to allow my jaw and tongue tension to get out of the way and just let me sing. It's opened up better pronunciation, better stamina, and a more pleasant overall singing experience for me… Working with the eyes and the jaw both released a bunch of tension that I was holding during singing. By releasing that tension, I also felt a release in my lower breath support. I didn't realize how strongly tension in one local area of the body could inform or affect tension in the entire voice. Just by kindly showing curiosity towards one part of my body, a world of singing freedom opened up for me.”
— Chris Mayell, M. Mus.
“I will continue to practice the jaw and tongue releasing class, as this greatly impacted the release in my jaw, and my singing was a new experience… Singing before and after classes showed me marked improvements in my awareness and ability to make corrections in my own practice. Sarah is a compassionate and realistic teacher that makes the classes clear, fun and educational! I look forward to recommending Sarah’s classes to my voice students as well.”
— Jessica Turje, B. Mus.
“After each lesson I just feel so aware but calm. I feel like this is what people mean when they talk about the benefits of meditation but I’ve never been able to keep focused on meditation. This is what I assume meditation is like for normal people! Not only was this non-judgemental and soothing, the main point is not just to be aware of yourself, but to have fun. And I had so much fun. It was such a joy and delight to be able to experience these lessons, and I’m very grateful for them.”
— Brittony LeFever, BAH, Music
“Taking this course was my first experience with Feldenkrais technique – and I highly recommend it! I enjoyed experimenting with the subtle movements in these sessions and was pleased to see a direct application of these movements to my own singing. This course exceeded my expectations, I sensed an increase in my body awareness, easing of tensions, and found a greater sense of balance within my own body. At the end of each session, I felt greater freedom of movement within my own body as well as a more mindful and calm attitude.”
-Danielle Cyr, M.Mus.